Saturday, August 13, 2011


Colombia is really a beautiful country. The time has come now to say I AM GONNA LEARN SPANISH!!!!  "good for Colombia!"
We have the people and resources to assist you to learn Spanish whilst you travel around and sample the best qualities of Colombia.
You will dance Salsa , drink the world's best coffee and savour the diversified and exquisite Colombian kitchen.

Spanish for Foreigners (Survival Spanish), is a  program that seeks to promote cultural Exchange, enrich the Spanish language skills and expand knowledge of people who are interested of traveling, living  and working in Colombia.
Our main desire is to share with students  different variables of our rich culture through the teaching of our language, Spanish, which once learnt, will allow them to communicate and interact with people and situations they will face when visiting different settings, such us restaurants, shopping centers, banks, transportation, etc.


• Students will learn basic phrases or expressions in Spanish, which will help them when communicating in contexts of daily living.
·       Know more about Colombian, and Caleña’ culture in order to get easy in our city.


The program is based on  communicative approach, reading comprehension skills, reading and learning strategies.

Listening activities will be implemented,  this methodology comes from  education with specific purposes approach.
Different activities will be carried out; these activities will be focused on the acquisition of the Spanish language phonetics (Colombian Spanish).

 We will use also readings and will learn by heart some dialogues which are contextualized in different scenarios where the students will be in contact during their visit in Colombia.

We will be also developing cultural activities and tourism. At this point the students will have the opportunity to share their experiences in the social, gastronomic, and musical field, as well as, live first   hand Colombian folklore.

Cultural activities (46 hours) :
 1. Historical City tour (4 hours)
2.  Shopping tour  (4 Hours)
 3. Gastronomic City tour  (4 hours)
4. Lago Calima ( 10 hours)
5. Nirvana Natural reserve tour (8 hours)
6. Salsa Tour (4 horas)


Coffee area tour (12 HORAS)
Delirio Salsa Tour (last Friday each month)
Pacific  Music festival (June)
Cali Feria (December)

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